
Wednesday 27 June 2012, 7pm-9pm – BTP Conference Centre, Brisbane Technology Park by DEJAN SEO BRISBANE

Check out the Google+ Event page for our Seminar and get in on the discussion!

Presentation Slides

Presentation slides are now available via the links below in PDF format:


You can watch videos of each presentation on the Dejan SEO YouTube channel.





Other information from the night:



Conversion Rate Optimisation

Pro Tip: Google+ Events

As we finished off our event, Google launched a new feature within Google+ which allows you to create an event and share it across the network, in style.
Google+ Events engages everyone from invitation, participation and attendance and the after party! It makes sharing photos from the event super easy and allows you to customise your invites in a whole new way.
Read more about it in our short article about recent Google+ Advancements. If you’d like to test run the new feature, click here to create an event in Google+.
